Regina Librizzi
Yoga has enhanced all aspects of my life mind, body and soul. The practice became a soothing, reliable place to find challenge and growth. Which inspired me to attain teacher certification, so I could offer others what so helped me.I love that the series can be suitable for a beginner and stay challenging over the course of many years. Some come to class to work on their bodies and finds it woks on the whole life. As an instructor, it is rewarding to watch a person transform in tangible ways over time. My teaching style adheres closely to the traditional dialogue.
Julia Sativas
Julia (she/her) offers upbeat, invigorating Vinyasa classes to music. Drawing on her decade of experience practicing 26/2, Ashtanga, Baptiste, Dharma, Kripalu, and Yin yogas under the tutelage of expert teachers all over the East Coast, her holistic class sequences blend strength, grace, and a good sense of humor while remaining rooted in breathwork. Modifications are offered and encouraged. Julia completed training in Ashtanga and Vinyasa with Chrissy Lefavour and is an RYT-200 certified by Yoga Alliance with an additional certification in Standup Paddleboard Yoga. When not practicing yoga she enjoys baking, weightlifting, horseback riding, swimming (if the water’s not too cold), and reading good books in comfy hammocks.
Shannon Kelly
Shannon is a dancer and certified personal trainer (NASM). She studied dance in college and has always been a movement enthusiast. She is very excited to be teaching at Hot Yoga Montpelier.